Monday, February 9, 2009

It's Time To Put Romance Back Into Your Life!

Life puts pressure on us from all sides. Work, children, social commitments and other responsibilities, fill our days to overflowing with obligations and tasks. If you’re like most people, you, too, shudder at the thought of trying to squeeze even one more thing into your days.

Which means that most of the time, romance gets pushed aside. In truth, it’s hard to find a time or place for romance between the doctor’s appointments, rushing to the office, remembering the laundry, and picking up the milk.

So, for many couples, romance begins to seem like a luxury, and sometimes, a chore. And before we know it, we’re wondering where the romance went. But it doesn’t have to be that way…

Living more romantically every day is easier than you think. You can create a life filled with romance, regardless of your time or budget. Because romance isn’t just about flowers and champagne – although that’s what most people think of first.

Instead, romance is about the way we choose to live our lives. It’s about staying open to the wonders and surprises of the world around us. It’s about showing your partner respect, loyalty, generosity, compassion, honesty, and integrity.

And ultimately, romance is about living your life without reservations.

Because romance makes us feel special. There’s nothing more wonderful than knowing that you are loved – and loving in return. What’s more, romance brings out the best in us.

To truly love someone requires maturity and strength, generosity and compassion. Romance lifts us beyond our own concerns to think of and care for, someone other than ourselves. And by doing so, we weave these special qualities into our daily lives, and the lives of those we touch.

So you don’t have to whisk your lover off to Paris. And you don’t have to write romantic love sonnets every day.

You can begin your new romantic life by simply finding little ways to make your lover (and you!) feel special every day.

Starting right now…

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