Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Romance and Singles

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
- Buddha

Romance is NOT just for couples. However, it's not always easy to remember to pay attention to finding the romance in our everyday lives when we're not in a relationship. Yet, that is exactly when we should devote a little extra time to adding little romantic touches to the ordinary tasks of the day.

When you’re single, whether by choice or circumstance, it can be difficult to not feel “less than”. We are so conditioned by society and marketing to feel inadequate at not being one half of a couple.

Yet the fact is that single people outnumber couples!
In spite of this, many single people seem to live their life on hold, waiting to meet Mr. or Ms. Right. What a waste of time! What a disservice to yourself!

Think about it… like attracts like. If you don’t accept yourself and know that you are someone special, you are likely to attract others who don’t love and accept themselves, either. You are, in effect, setting yourself up for relationships that cannot survive, let alone thrive. You are setting yourself up for an unhealthy, unfulfilling relationship. And why on earth would any sane person want that kind of relationship?

Believe it or not, when you deny yourself love and acceptance, you are setting yourself up for getting and receiving less than you deserve. This simple fact applies whether you are single or in a relationship. So, why not set yourself up to receive the kind of partner and relationship that you deserve?

Perhaps you know, or have met, someone who people are magnetically ‘drawn’ to. This is someone who radiates a special ‘something’ that others find fascinating and irresistible. That ‘something’ is ‘self-love’. And by self-love, I don’t mean being self-absorbed. I mean a person who knows their own self-worth and treats themselves with as much respect, consideration, and affection as they give to others.

When you live love and feel love, you’ll create love. And when you love yourself, you will find happier, more fulfilling relationships.

In the end, no matter whether you're single or not, the most romantic thing you can do is to first give yourself the love and respect you deserve.

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